Posts Tagged ‘Laundry’

It’s true that if you wander through almost any small town in Italy you will see laundry hanging out on a line to dry. While staying in Florence we had a small washing machine that was broken for half the semester but when it was working we air dried all of our cloths. Most were hung up on a drying rack in the apartment. The rest we hung on a small rack out one window that faced what might have been an inner courtyard (a 10 x10ft square.) Not quite as quaint but it got the job done. Dryers are not widely used because of the cost of electricity, a reminder of what we take for granted here in the states. Anyways here’s the next photo, Laundry from the series Cinque Terre.

Laundry. Cinque Terre, Italy

Laundry. Cinque Terre, Italy